I think in order to take the first step today, I have to retrace the steps of past days. I first discovered that I wanted to be a massage therapist after my first massage when I was fifteen. I knew that I would love to have a career that would make someone feel that good, no matter how bad a day they had had.
It took me nine more years before I started my first class, Acupressure Therapy, a one year program that I finished in '07. I loved learning about the energy meridians of the body, and how Traditional Chinese Medicine works, and being able to use hand/finger pressure instead of needles! Ear Candling was next, followed by Reflexology, amazing how important our hands, and feet are, and how under appreciated they can be! Reiki was an eye opener, universal life force energy was a new concept for me, but resonated so much it was like I knew it all along and just needed a reminder. In '08 I was feeling a bit undereducated and was wanting a deeper and more rounded understanding of the human body and all of its amazing mechanics, a 2200 hour massage therapy course was the key. I signed up for the program a few days before it started, I was feeling apprehensive, like I may have been in over my head; however by the end of my first day at MH Vicars school of massage therapy I knew I was in the right place.
Which brings me to my first step! I have been working as a holistic therapist, and only that for the last eight months. I have been working at Dharma Studios (http://www.dharmastudios.ca/) for the last fourteen months, my first year was focused on honing my craft as an RMT, and the last couple of months I have been able to reintroduce the other modalities that I love as much as massage. It has been amazing to follow and start living my dreams. I get to have the opportunity to hopefully make a difference in someones day, week, month or maybe even year, and I feel absolutely honored to be able to do so.
The first step is the biggest, now you can GO as fast as you want. Have fun !