Thursday, 11 June 2015

My Spiritual Journey

I’ve been on it for so long its hard to know where to start. I was always a really sensitive kid, I just didn’t know that I was an empath and it was energy that I was sensitive to. I used to hear things at night that I couldn’t explain ( like people talking – I used to think it was the TV and I would go to turn it off but it wouldn’t be on in the first place, or the sound of a snow shovel in the middle of summer). I knew what people were feeling, even if they were in complete denial about it. I sometimes knew things before they happened, and I had plenty of déjà vu experiences. So I was always curious about death, ghosts and what happens after. Truthfully most of the stuff that I could connect to were fiction, and were always really scary, which is still something that affects us a lot today – most of the ghost related stuff are still fear based with the exception of mediums (who I am super grateful for).
When I was young, I occasionally attended a Christian church with friends which I found really interesting, until it got to the part about if someone doesn’t believe in God or Jesus then they are going to go to hell. I didn’t know if my parents believed in god, and I started to suspect they didn’t, which terrified me in the beginning, then made me think about how ridiculous that sounded. They are good people, why wouldn’t they go to a good place after they pass!?!  Then I got to thinking about the suffering in the world and if there was a god, why isn’t he doing something about it!?! So I full on rebelled from religion, and I got douchey about it in my teens and probably into my early 20’s I would willingly debate religion and put down others beliefs in it because ‘ I thought it was stupid’. Not a shining moment in my past! I realize now that it was because I wanted to be connected to god, but I felt like I wasn’t able to fulfill my end of some crazy bargain, like I didn’t get the rule book that made sense, and I didn’t have healthy examples of religious people to be guided by. That phase in my life was a great blessing, it taught me to question, not only what religion was, but who I am and what feels right for me.
Around the age of 15 I got my first healing massage, and it set my life on a great course. I started to explore alternative healing, massage, energy work, intuition and psychic ability. There is a common thread that links them all together and that is spirituality, it allowed me to seek spirituality without reading religious texts, and gave me my first sense of direction of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I also started to get interested in Runes and Tarot cards and found that I had a knack for reading them. Truthfully I thought that everyone could, because it seemed rather easy, but I was told by my mom that that wasn’t true, not everyone could. In my early 20’s I saw my first professional psychic on a bit of a whim, and she led me to my first big awakening. She told me more about myself then my closest friends even knew about me, and she also told me that I was gifted in that line of work, and I could speak to deities, which led me to delve deeper into who and what I was. One night I decided to try automatic writing, which was a weird and amazing experience, and I still to this day use it as a tool to connect with my divine crew so I can receive guidance when I need it. However, it freaked me out for a while in the beginning, and it took me quite sometime to be able to do it comfortably, and without massive headaches, and without being scared of it. From that point on I dabbled in and out of my practices and my curiosities, each relationship that I got into, I would toss my seeking on the back burner and pretended that I wasn’t as spiritual as I really was; every time I got out of a relationship, I would pick it right back up again. Then I started taking alternative healing classes (Acupressure, Reiki, Reflexology, Rayid, Massage, Ear Candling, numerology, and other various weekend workshops and seminars) which were amazing and helped me bring that side of me out into the world a little more. Eventually I started my own practice so I could create a hybrid of a session that brought in physical healing with energy, intuition, and truthfully I would sneak in spirituality anywhere I could.
Then, at 31, I went to Bali and shit got real. I went heart first into some serious spiritual awakening. You can get all the details HERE there was so much that I experienced that changed me, but most importantly it led me home. While I was there I set the very purposeful intention that I wanted to bring the ability to have those experiences back to the west, I wanted to find a way to guide other people to connect with the very core of their being, the place in their heart that their home resides, without having to necessarily go to Bali. Though hopefully there will be retreats that I guide there in my future too.
When I got home I came back different, but I was more authentic and whole then when I had left. I can no longer hide my spiritual side, mostly because it isn’t a side of me anymore, it just is. I just am. Since then, I can honestly say I love more, me, life, family, friends, strangers, all experiences (even the less fun ones), really everything.  Everything seems a whole lot lighter, clearer and calmer, and life seems to make a whole lot more sense now then it ever did before.

I also have my own coach, an incredible community with lots of support and love, a clear purpose to bring spirituality, truth, clarity and love to anyone who is ready to take this journey, and the deepest desire to continue my own evolution, and the drive to continue to do so. 

Saturday, 31 January 2015

The Bliss of Floating (why I float)

I went to a silent retreat that ended up not being all that silent, the time I was most looking forward to being in silence was at night, but I ended up in a room with a couple of not so quiet snorers which tossed that idea out rather quickly, but led me to the realization that I just want to be in a space of silence for awhile. Which got me thinking about the sensory deprivation tanks and whether or not Calgary even had them, luckily enough I voiced it to the lovely person I went to the retreat with and two weeks later she forwarded me an email about her former co-worker who started a floating company (thank you universe!) called One Love Float. So I immediately booked in for my first floating session.
At One Love, you have the option of an open float or a closed float, I chose open in the beginning because I have had challenges with claustrophobia before and I didn't entirely know how I'd react to being in a small box in the dark (they are actually really quite spacious). All it took was one float to know I was hooked. To be in a space that is in absolute silence and darkness that also allows the body to let go, to surrender, relax and allow the water to fully support you is amazing, And I loved it. The second float I went in the closed tank, and fell even more deeply in love with floating, the closed tank is really amazing and I have always felt safe and content in it.
When I float the depth of where my mind and soul go is indescribable, I feel like I can connect to the deepest parts of myself that I didn't even know existed anymore. Time has this magical way of ceasing to exist, I never know if I have been in there for minutes or days! I can reach a deeper state of meditation because I don't feel any of the pain or pressure within my body that can often bring my consciousness back into my mind/surroundings. Through the deeper states of meditation I often experience some really profound healing and shifting within the tank, new awareness and consciousness can come through while all my other senses are temporarily on a blissful break, and with each float I come out more connected, grounded, and filled with a sense of joy, love, contentment and bliss.

I have committed myself to going once a month for continuing my self love regiment. and I highly recommend giving it a try!