Sunday, 29 January 2012

The love of a new modality

I am adding another modality to my tool belt, my repertoire. The Body Talk system is incredible. It integrates all of my knowledge from all of my modalities, in one beautifully simple and highly effective session. It is not the easiest one to explain, so bare with me. Basically your body speaks its own language, and due to life experiences,stress, or the conscious mind (or ego), translation for what is going on in the body can become misconstrued. Normally we would treat the one small part, and can on occasion, sacrifice the greater good of the whole body for the good of the part because we are not able to get all the information we need. My training allows me to 'talk' to your body and find out what it really needs to restore balance within itself, what it considers to be the top priority. Here is the interesting part, your body, once it gets the information to create this balance (which it receives by gentle tapping on the top of the head that signals to the brain there is important information coming in) and sends this information out to the rest of the body (received from the gentle tapping over the heart - the information is basically sent out to where it needs to go through the blood) Your body's innate knowing, will take care of the rest. Your body already knows how to be the healthiest being it can be. It sometimes just forgets, or lets other things get in the way. I am simply there to remind you.

The process of talking to your body works on the same principle of  muscle testing in kinesiology, I place my hand underneath your wrist or hand, and go through my series of questioning, and receive yes and no answers based on if your hand/wrist moves or not. Sounds fairly simple, right?  Here is the interesting bit, I generally ask everything internally, which allows the conscious mind to be free to think about what ever it feels like thinking about while allowing the body to speak for itself ( I can also ask all the questions aloud if it is preferable, the same things your innate/body sees as priorities to return to balance will come up no matter which way). After getting the priority information that your body needs, the tapping on the head and heart will happen and your innate will take care of the rest. 

That was a whole lot to wrap my head around when I first started getting body talk treatments myself. I am a self professed open minded skeptic. I need to know that every modality I spend my passions in is worthwhile and works. I go into every class, seminar, and treatment that I receive in a new modality with an open mind, while searching for my own form of evidence that it works. I will say that my first body talk experience was a memorable one. I didn't really know what to expect, I truthfully went in without doing any research, aside from the information I had from other people that had experienced it. Which was mostly, "I had this treatment, I don't really quite know what happened, but everything that came up made a lot of sense and now I feel better". So being the curious sort, I had to check it out. I will say that " I had this treatment, I don't quite know what happened, I cried a lot (which is the first time ever in a treatment), everything that came up made a lot of sense, and now I feel better" and now here I am on the brink of becoming a Certified Bodytalk Practitioner, because I feel that much better, and I believe that Body Talk is a very useful modality and a great new tool for me to use.